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Ammendments to existing UIAA Regulations

Yout category is now up to 21.years of age! Quotas are now limited to nationality and no more to Federations!

UIAA competition ice climbing regulations

International licence application form download
Competitors without a valid licence will not be classified in Ice Woirld Cup!!!

UIAA pages

Drytooling competitions in Brno Czech republic are the first events in december. They have built an amazing construction

Results Brno 2013: http://drytoolcup.eu/en/vysledky/

Please report me all the scheduled competitions and events in the season 2013 !

Schedule for the winter World cup 2013 competitions:

1. Korea 12.-13.1.2013 - world championship lead
2. Saas Fee Switzerland 18.-19.1.2013
3. Rabenstein Italy 26.-27.1.2013
4. Busteni Romania 7.-9.2.2013
5. Kirov Russia 8.-10.3.2013 world championship speed


1. Saas Grund Switzerland 12.-13.1.2013 - Youth world championship lead and speed


UIAA pages - Ice climbing results

Finishinng structure in Kirov    Photo: Rozle Bregar 3.3.2011

Last preparations on the structure in Cheongsong Korea 

Other competitions 2013 :

8.12.2012 Brno Drytooling competition Info zoban@seznam.cz

5.1.2013 13. Koetsach Mauthen Intern. Österreichische Meisterschaft Avstrija  More details and inscription

2.2.2013 Memorial Tomaža Humarja- speed duel, Mojstrana, Slovenia

17.3.2013 Ice cup in Bjelovar - lead (drytooling), infosatlija64@gmail.com

Schedule for the winter 2013 ice meetings:

1 .Ice climbing festval Kandersteg 4.-6.1.2013 Switzerland

2. Ouray Ice Festival 10.- 13.1.2013 USA

3. L'Ice Climbing Ecrins 10.-13.1.2013 France Info    

4. Eis-Total - Festival 18.-20.1.2013 Austria info@eis-total.at 

5. La Gorzderette 25.-27.1.2013 France


Pages about competitions 1998 - 2012

Competitions 2012

Competitions 2011

Competitions 2010

Competitions 2009

UIAA pages

UIAA Regulations

Application form for the UIAA license










You can find more information about the Ice World Cup on the UIAA web site

or  here